Before the warranty period ends, get a car inspection to make sure you can claim all you’re entitled to before you have to pay for it.
A visit for an End of Warranty Inspection can be a lucrative cash generator. If done correctly, it may provide your dealership with significant short- and long-term financial benefits. It can also provide real-world advantages and the peace of mind that every automobile owner seeks.
Significance of an end-of-warranty vehicle inspection
By detecting areas in need of repair or replacement before your warranty expires, an end-of-warranty inspection may save you a lot of time and money.
Opportunity to Refresh Brakes, Batteries, and Tires: Most batteries will begin to exhibit indications of weakening about 36k to 45k miles, depending on weather conditions. Most brakes also begin to hit or are very near to hitting the indication.
Option to Purchase an Extended Warranty: This has given the Maintenance and Repair business as a whole additional chances.
Dings, Dents, and Scratches may be repaired. Repairing dings, dents, and scratches is the most undervalued opportunity in today’s service drive. An End of Warranty Inspection visit may generate a lot of money and gross profits for your dealership if you follow the right procedures and hire the right people.
Some mechanical and electronic defects are hidden, which means they have no visible indicators of failure and are readily overlooked. For example, the vehicle may require new oxygen sensors, may have legal emission concerns, or may require new spark plugs, yet it still runs OK.