Driving is a potentially risky activity. An astounding 1.24 million people die as a result of road accidents each year worldwide. 1 Mechanical failure, bad vehicle maintenance, and tyre failure/condition are key contributing factors, in addition to poor driving abilities and poor road conditions.
Regular part of your routine
We probably perform a number of instinctive checks every time we get into a car without even realising it. For instance, we make sure our seatbelt is buckled and our mirrors are straight before driving.
You may rapidly develop your own vehicle inspection regimen that will protect the safety of you, your car, and other road users by adding a few straightforward additional inspections.
Although it may seem like a lengthy list, it shouldn’t take more than five minutes to go through and will soon become a habit.
Inspection Program every day
Why not formalise your effective checking process into a set of guidelines that all drivers must abide by once you’ve found it? This will encourage everyone to practise healthy practises.
The car shouldn’t be driven if it doesn’t fit your criteria.
Items should be marked for repair, or if it’s not a major repair, the vehicle should be scheduled for repair within a specific timeframe and the vehicle can be driven while this is being done.
List of essential equipment
Here is an illustration of the kinds of things that are regarded vital, though regulations will differ from country to country.
Every component must adhere to the rules in order for the vehicle to be roadworthy:
• Brakes
• Coupling devices (fifth wheel and kingpin)
• Lights
• Horn
• Mirrors
• Seatbelts
• Steering mechanism
• Tyres
• Windshield wipers
Continual Inspections
Regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly, might be used to conduct a more complete inspection. The checks could consist of:
• Fluid levels, including those for the vehicle’s engine oil, brakes, clutch, power steering, and transmission (if relevant)
• Windscreen cleaner
• Battery: Keep an eye out for corrosion.
• Check that the indicators, brake lights, and headlights are all in working order.
• Check the pressure, tread, and condition of the tyres for cuts or bulges.
What each automobile should have
• First aid kit
• Flashlight
• Spare fuses
• Jack
• Warning triangles
• Spare tyre
• High visibility clothing
Good Housekeeping
Well-maintained vehicles are considerably easier to identify problems with, which is crucial if the vehicle is shared by other drivers.
• Keeping the car neat and orderly makes it easier for the driver to notice new problems like leaks, worn parts, and damage.
• To avoid potential damage, keep in mind to stow in-cab things including emergency gear, tools, and personal belongings properly.